But we've met before
@Hot Wheels Athens
26 September 2020 - 20 February 2021
Installation View
Installation View
Installation View
Set Theory, 2020, Bronze, ash, sand, 64 x 56 cm
Set Theory, 2020, Bronze, ash, sand, 64 x 56 cm
Twice Upon a While, 2020, MDF wood, metal, mirror, 154 x 140 x 206 cm
Twice Upon a While, 2020, MDF wood, metal, mirror, 154 x 140 x 206 cm
Twice Upon a While, 2020, MDF wood, metal, mirror, 154 x 140 x 206 cm
Twice Upon a While, 2020, MDF wood, metal, mirror, 154 x 140 x 206 cm
Data Storage of a True Spectrum, 2020, Phillips CDs, electrical motor, metal, direct sunlight, 50 x 41 x 52 cm
Data Storage of a True Spectrum, 2020, Phillips CDs, electrical motor, metal, direct sunlight, 50 x 41 x 52 cm
Install View
Castle, 2020, Bronze, 17 x 12 x 12 cm &
Hammer, 2020, Bronze, 31.5 x 12 x 3 cm
Transparent in its own opacity, TV was truth, it was the collective memory of an expanded tribe, 2020, Tempera on chalk, ground gesso on wood, 63 x 55cm
Untitled, 2020, Tempera on chalk, ground gesso on wood, 60 x 100 cm
Untitled, 2020, Tempera on chalk, ground gesso on wood, 60 x 100 cm
Transparent in its own opacity, TV was truth, it was the collective memory of an expanded tribe, 2020, Tempera on chalk, ground gesso on wood, 63 x 55cm
Library co-organized with Aristotelis Mochloulis
We Risk, 2019, Stainless steel pole and motor mechanism, bronze, 399 x 25 x 2.5 cm – 109 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm
We Risk, 2019, Stainless steel pole and motor mechanism, bronze, 399 x 25 x 2.5 cm – 109 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm
Installation View
Syllogism, 2019, Sunlight, chameleon effect, golden and copper pigments, resin mix, muslin fabric, 158 x 267 x 17.4 cm
Syllogism, 2019, Sunlight, chameleon effect, golden and copper pigments, resin mix, muslin fabric, 158 x 267 x 17.4 cm
We are caught in frameworks: webs, relationships and Venn diagrams that never quite meet. System Failure. Relics created through friction and fiction; second-hand, mediated and shared memory snowball into reality. Collectively, the gestures in But we’ve met before are grasping, probing, searching. Layers displaced, decoded in material and technique. Personal narratives, social stories, and historical events, fuse in their head as they melt into the mirror. Darkness envelopes them, sentences and sounds surface from the void- it’s own portable cosmos. Gagarin soars, escapes from a prism of iron madness. Lost symbols, lost histories, lost futures. A holler jolts them out of it: cries of monotony, thoughts and actions being erased. Parallels untwine, as if 1-1-4 never existed.
I, you he, she lays still, wait, hang on, second chance now.
We lay still, on broken glass and asphalt.
x Aris, Marina, Hugo, and Julia.